Personal data

The purpose of this confidentiality policy is to inform you about the way in which ILICUT collects, uses and discloses your personal data (hereinafter "Personal Data or Data").

As data controller, ILICUT is concerned about the protection of Personal Data, and is aware of the importance of ensuring the confidentiality, integrity and security of the Personal Data of individuals.

It undertakes to ensure the best level of protection for your Personal Data in accordance with the provisions of the General Regulations on the Protection of Personal Data of April 27, 2016 (European Regulation known as "RGPD") and the legal provisions subsequently adopted in France.

For any information on the protection of Personal Data, you can also consult the website of the IT Commission et Liberté  

Identity of the controller  

Personal Data is collected by : SAS ILICUT with a capital of 300,000 Euros, RCS Mâcon B 511 188 690 - Headquarters: 17 rue Jean Ducerf - 71120 VENDENESSE-LES-CHAROLLES - FRANCE, hereinafter referred to as "ILICUT", On the website, hereinafter referred to as "the Site".  

Purpose - Use of Data concerning you:  

The processing carried out by ILICUT meets one or more explicit, legitimate and determined purposes in accordance with Article 6 of the GDPR.

The Data collected is used by ILICUT for the purposes of :  

  • Management of your orders: The information and Data concerning you are necessary for the management of your order and for our commercial relations. This information may also be kept for the purposes of proof in compliance with legal and regulatory obligations (payment, guarantee, litigation, etc.). At the end of the retention periods, they will be archived or deleted.
  • Response to your various requests;
  • Management of our online sales service : Management of your account, activation or notifications in case of suspension of the service.
  • Collection of your opinions and your customer experience after your order;
  • Participation in the "Reforest Action" program ;
  • Personalization of our services : The information and Data concerning you allow us to improve and personalize the services we offer you, in particular on our website, as well as the information we send you.  
  • Organization and participation in contests: The information and Data concerning you are necessary for the processing of your participation in our contests. They are intended for the service in charge of managing participation in contests and will be kept for the duration of the contest and for the time necessary for the allocation of prizes. They will then be archived to allow us to comply with our legal obligations.  
  • Sending ILICUT information and newsletters when you have given your consent : In order to keep you informed of our news and the advantages from which you can benefit, you may receive offers by electronic communication (email, sms ...) when you have given your consent. You can then withdraw your consent at any time by modifying your personal account settings, by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of each email or by contacting our customer service. If you wish to receive offers and information from ILICUT, you can consent to the sending by indicating it when creating your account, or at any time by specifying it in "my account". Depending on the choices made when creating or viewing your account, you may therefore receive ILICUT offers. If you agree to receive our commercial offers when creating your account, you may receive information on news from ILICUT and newsletters relating to products similar to those you have already ordered. or viewed on the ILICUT website.
  •  Fight against fraud : In order to secure payments and deliveries and thus ensure optimal quality of service, Personal Data collected on the Site is also processed by ILICUT to determine the level of risk of fraud associated with each order and, if necessary, help to modulate the conditions of its execution. As part of this analysis, ILICUT is likely to question its service providers specializing in risk prevention to refine its analysis (in particular the BANQUE DE FRANCE for its Check Control Verification service). ILICUT may, depending on the results of the control carried out on the orders, take security measures, in particular requesting additional supporting documents or proposing an alternative method of payment (bank transfer). These measures will have the effect of suspending the execution of the order or even, if the result of the analysis does not guarantee the security of the order, of canceling it. The occurrence of a incident (unpaid due to fraudulent use of a means of payment, delivery fraud, etc.) will result in the entry of Data relating to the order in the ILICUT alert file , which may, during future orders, lead ILICUT to carry out additional checks, or even to require payment by bank transfer.  
  • Statistical analyzes of consumption and site traffic;
  • Personalization and optimization of online advertising campaigns such as the Google Ads service;
  • Comply with legal and regulatory provisions in order to ensure that ILICUT complies with its legal obligations; - Resolve any disputes;
  • Defend the rights of ILICUT in the context of legal or administrative proceedings.  

Data collected on our site

What Data?  

The company ILICUT collects your Data in different ways:  

  • Data that you provide to them directly;
  • Data that it can obtain from third-party sources.

We collect and process in particular your names, postal addresses, email addresses, passwords (encrypted), telephone numbers, Data concerning your computer and the connection environment such as the IP address, Connection Data and Data of navigation, bank details, connection history, order history, products consulted, delivery incidents, complaints.  

ILICUT ensures that it only collects and processes Data that is strictly necessary with regard to the purpose of the processing that is implemented. Data collected indirectly will only be used:  

  • to monitor the volume, type and configuration of traffic generated by the Site;
  • to develop its design and layout and for other administrative and planning purposes;
  • and more generally to improve the service that the company ILICUT offers you.

The mandatory or optional nature of the Data is indicated to you during collection by an asterisk. Some Data is collected automatically as a result of your actions on the site. We also carry out audience measurements, for example we measure the number of page views, the number of visits to the site, as well as the activity of visitors to the site and their frequency of return.

Data of minors:

No Personal Data on minors is collected by ILICUT.

However, in the fortuitous event that ILICUT is informed or learns that Personal Data of a minor has been collected, the latter will be immediately irreversibly deleted.  


We collect the information you provide us with, in particular when:

  • you create your "My Account" customer account;
  • you place an order on our site;
  • you browse our site and view products;
  • you complete an online form;
  • you participate in a game or contest;
  • you send a spontaneous email;
  • you write a comment.

ILICUT is also required to collect Personal Data when natural persons browse on its Site, in particular through cookies (ILICUT invites you to consult its cookie management policy in order to configure them here).  

Recipients of the Data:

The Data collected on the ILICUT site is intended exclusively for:

  •  ILICUT itself for its own use, and in particular the sales department, the marketing department, the accounting department, the IT department, the payment service provider OGONE certified PCI-DSS, etc. ;
  • Any commercial partners to whom ILICUT is likely to have recourse within the framework of its activity such as Clarity, Google Ads, Paypal, Reforest'Action, Verified Reviews. ILICUT however undertakes not to provide these partners that the Data strictly necessary for the good performance of its services;
  • They can be transmitted to companies, subcontractors to which ILICUT calls for the execution of services and orders, in particular management, execution, processing and payment. In this context, its subcontractors may access, store and process Personal Data to provide services on behalf of ILICUT. However, the latter are not authorized by ILICUT to use your Data for any purpose other than providing services which are the subject of a contract with ILICUT.

ILICUT undertakes to ensure that the selected partners present sufficient guarantees to meet the requirements of the applicable data protection legislation.  

Your rights

In accordance with the provisions of the RGPD and the Data Protection Act, you have:

  • a right of access;
  • a right of rectification;
  • a right to deletion;
  • a right to be forgotten;
  • a right to de-listing;
  • a right of opposition;
  • a right to portability with respect to all Data concerning you;
  • a right to limit processing using your Personal Data;
  • a right not to be the subject of an individual decision-making exclusively based on automated processing such as profiling; - a right to lodge a complaint with the National Commission for Informatics and Freedoms ("CNIL"), whose website is accessible at the following link

If you have consented to the processing of Personal Data, you can withdraw your consent at any time.

You can exercise your rights by writing to the address below:


  • electronically to Customer Service or by mail to ILICUT,
  • by mail: Consumer Service, 17 rue Jean Ducerf - 71120  VENDENESSE-LES-CHAROLLES - FRANCE, By indicating your name, first name, e-mail address and if possible your customer reference.  

In accordance with the regulations in force, your request must be signed and accompanied by a photocopy of an identity document bearing your signature and specify the address to which the reply must be sent. A response will then be sent to you within one month of receipt of the request. You also have the right to define guidelines relating to the fate of your Personal Data after your death in accordance with Article 41-1 of the Data Protection Act.  

Cookies and advertising targeting:

Your consent is formalized when you accept the cookie banner on the landing page. The retention period for the consent thus obtained is thirteen months from the insertion of the corresponding cookie.

 What is a cookie ? 

 A cookie is a text file that records information on your terminal (computer, tablet or mobile) concerning your browsing on a website (date and time of page loading, browser used and language, pages viewed, frequency and duration of visits to the site, number of visits, sources of the visit, location).

What are cookies used for?

When you connect to the Site, ILICUT or third-party companies whose services ILICUT uses (technical or advertising partners) may have to install various cookies on your terminal (computer, tablet or mobile) ) in order to send you content and services tailored to yours interest. Your terminal is in no danger with cookies since no virus or malware is deposited by them.

What are the types of cookies?  

The types of cookies used by ILICUT are:

  • Cookies strictly necessary for the proper functioning of the Site: These are essential for browsing the Site and using the basic functionalities requested (language cookies, identification cookies, etc.). If you block these cookies by configuring your browser, ILICUT would no longer be able to ensure the proper functioning of the Site and guarantee optimal functioning of the Site.  
  • Functional cookies to improve your user experience: they are there, for example, to remember your choices on the Site.
  • Performance cookies which make it possible to measure the audience and establish statistics and volumes of visits and use of the various elements making up the Site.
  • Advertising targeting cookies such as "retargeting";
  • Social cookies, which are plugins that make it possible to share content related to the Site on social networks or to share information on these social networks related to navigation or to your centers of interest concerning the Site.

Social cookies are used in the case of the "share" button present on the Site and from social networks, including Facebook and Twitter in particular. If you have an account on these social networks and you click on one of these buttons, the social network concerned will make the link between your profile and the visit to the Site.

Also, ILICUT invites you to consult the personal data protection policies put in place by these social networks in order in particular to be aware of the purposes of use of your Data and the rights you have regarding this processing.

Names of cookies used on the Site:  

Name | Provider | Finality | Period | Catégorie

  • Google Analytics | Google | Allows you to analyze the consultation statistics of our site | 24 month | Site performance
  • Google Conversion Tracking | Google | Google Conversion Tracking Usage Statistics | 14 month | Site performance
  • Google Remarketing | Google | Allows you to serve personalized advertisements on Google to people who have visited our site | 14 month | Advertising
  • Google Ads | Google | Measure the effectiveness of sponsored campaigns | 14 month | Advertising
  • Double Click | Google | Shows our advertisements on the Google network | 13 month | Advertising
  • Clarity | Microsoft | Recording the navigation route | 12 month | Site performance 

How to configure these cookies ?

You have the option to block the use of cookies or to receive a notification before the installation of a new cookie by modifying the settings of your Internet browser.

If you are using Google Chrome, follow the instructions as follows:

  • Choose the Settings menu, then Advanced settings
  • In the "Confidentiality and security" section, click on Site settings
  • Locate the Cookie menu and select the appropriate options.

 If you are using Mozilla Firefox, follow the instructions as follows:

  • Choose the Tool menu then Options
  • Click on the Privacy icon - Locate the Cookie menu and select the appropriate options

 If you are using Internet Explorer, follow the instructions as follows:

  • Choose the Tools menu then Internet Options
  • Click on the Confidentiality tab
  • Select the desired level using the cursor

If you are using Safari, follow the instructions on this link or as follows:

  • Choose the Settings> Safari menu,
  • Activate the option Block all cookies or content blocker  

You can also change the setting of your cookies via the link on the cookie banner that appears on the Site.

For more information, you can consult the advice on modifying these parameters presented in the "Your traces" tab on the CNIL website.

Bank data :

For payment purposes, bank details are collected and stored by our payment service provider OGONE certified PCI-DSS. This standard is an international security standard whose objectives are to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of cardholder data, and thus to secure the protection of card and transaction data.

In order to avoid having to re-enter your bank details for future orders, you can choose, by checking the acceptance box provided for this purpose, that your bank cards be saved in your online account in a secure manner. You can consult the list of your registered cards (in hidden mode), but also delete all or part of its content, in the "Payment methods" section of the "My purchases" section of "My Account".

In this case, your deleted cards will no longer appear in your online account or in future orders, but your bank details will remain kept by our service provider OGONE, within the limits necessary to process your orders and their follow-up (payment, guarantee , dispute ...).

Data retention  

The Data will be kept by ILICUT for the duration of the commercial relationship and for as long as necessary in order to perform the obligations you have requested, to comply with its legal obligations, and to meet the purposes described in this document privacy policy, or resolve disputes.

The retention period nevertheless remains proportional to the purposes pursued by the data processing carried out.

ILICUT is also entitled to retain and process Personal Data by virtue of its legitimate interest. It may also keep your Personal Data after you have ceased to use the services of ILICUT in accordance with legal requirements.

At the end of this period, ILICUT undertakes to delete all documents and files containing the Data irreversibly.

However, the Personal Data necessary for compliance with legal and regulatory obligations or to provide proof of the respective rights and obligations, will be kept by ILICUT.

Data relating to purchases made allowing profiling for purposes including marketing, will be kept for a limited period in accordance with the maximum period authorized by law. Upon expiry, the Data will be irreversibly deleted.

In any event, at the end of each retention period, Personal Data will be irreversibly deleted.

Legal reasons for disclosing your Data  

ILICUT may disclose your Personal Data to third parties only in the following specific cases:

  • For assistance purposes if ILICUT has to call on service providers to provide support and maintenance services;
  • For the purpose of complying with any applicable law, regulation, legal procedure or other legal obligation or for the purpose of preserving the rights of ILICUT, its employees, its customers or others;
  • For security purposes for the purpose of detection, investigation in order to allow the prevention of security problems, fraud or technical problems; - In the event of a merger / absorption or acquisition of ILICUT with another company;
  • In the event of the sale or transfer of ILICUT;
  • In the event of restructuring, collective proceedings or any other similar event, in accordance with applicable law. 


ILICUT ensures the security and confidentiality of your personal data by implementing data protection reinforced by the use of physical and logistical means of security and in particular by the implementation of technical and organizational measures in particular to prevent them from being used, disclosed, captured or damaged by unauthorized third parties.

In addition, ILICUT undertakes to ensure that this protection is provided by all persons likely to have access to the Data, in particular its employees, and to process the Data in accordance with the purposes determined in this privacy policy confidentiality.

Update of the Data protection policy

The privacy policy is subject to change or adjustment at any time. In the event of modification, the new confidentiality policy will be notified on this present website page, and if applicable at the time of connection to one of our applications.


The last update date of this privacy policy Is : 25/07/2024